If your institution has enabled the SCORM LTI, you can upload SCORM ZIP files as assignments and as pages in your course (per the applicable package content). SCORM is a technical standard for many e-learning products and is often used to create course content. Once enabled, the SCORM Link will appear in the Course Navigation menu. SCORM packages are imported as External Tool Assignment submissions.
To enable your SCORM content as a stand-alone HTML site, you may need to re-export your SCORM content.
In Course Navigation, click the SCORM link.
Click the Upload button.
Select the file from your computer [1] and click the Open button [2].
Once the file is uploaded, select they object import type. Click the Choose Import Type menu [1] and select an option [2] . You can import the file as a graded assignment, an ungraded assignment, or a page.
Note: The import type selected when importing a SCORM file is permanent and cannot be changed in Canvas. If a SCORM file is uploaded as an ungraded assignment, the assignment is not worth points, the assignment is not added to the gradebook, and students cannot earn a grade for the assignment.
Click the Go button.
Note: If content does not immediately load, your LTI tool may need to be reconfigured. Please contact your admin for assistance.
To view the assignment in Canvas or to edit assignment details, click the Assignment icon.
Imported SCORM assignments also display on the Assignments Index page. Once imported, you can move the assignment to an assignment group and add it as a module item.
To preview the uploaded content, click the Preview icon.
SCORM assignment previews display the files they appear for students in your course. By default, the file preview displays a No Score label [1]. However, if you complete the assignment in preview mode, the display changes to reflect an earned score.
To reset the test content, click the Reset button [2].
To close the preview window, click the Done button [3].
Note: All SCORM uploads default to 100 points possible.
To delete a SCORM file, click the Delete icon.
Note: If you delete a SCORM assignment in the Assignments page, you can still view the assignment on the SCORM page. Clicking the Assignment icon generates an error. However, if you delete the assignment in the SCORM page, the assignment is also deleted from all other applicable Canvas locations.