Nursing Student Loans (NSL)

Students must be enrolled full time or half time and pursuing a Registered Nurse (RN) degree. Their RN degree must result in:

Is my school eligible for the NSL?

Your school is eligible if it offers a degree in nursing.

How do I apply for the NSL?

  1. Read the SF424 instructions (PDF - 290 KB) and fill out the SF424 form (PDF - 144 KB)
  2. Complete the Application to Participate in the Nursing Student Loan (NSL) Program (PDF - 33 KB)
  3. Submit the SF424 and program application to the program officer.

Who do I contact about the NSL program?

For questions about associate, diploma, and graduate programs, email NSL Program Officer Jerry Locklear.

For questions about the baccalaureate program, email NSL Program Officer Tinika Mayo.