Click below to download one of the following PDF forms or documents:
Fee Schedule* for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Certification. Download: PDF
MCSCD Application Form* for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Certification. Download: PDF
Addendum to Application* – for ownership disclosure (corporations, partnerships & organizations) Download: PDF
Recertification Form – for ownership disclosure (corporations, partnerships & organizations) Download: PDF
Soil Compaction Mitigation Verification Form – for ownership disclosure (corporations, partnerships & organizations) Download: PDF
* Note: These files will need to be printed and signed, in order to provide an original signature with your mailed application packet. See below for additional guidance related to preparing your SESC application packet.
Basin Data Summary Form Choose one: PDF or fillable doc. file
RFA Application for the Stormwater Construction Permit Program:
Important Note: The Stormwater Construction Permit Program (RFA) has converted to an electronic E-Permit su bmission process.
Effective October 1, 2009, paper copies of the Requests for Authorization (RFA) for the Stormwater Construction General (5G3) Permit will no longer be accepted or processed at the District Office. Applicants are now required to submit their Stormwater RFA applications and payments via the NJDEP’s website. The Soil Erosion and Sediment Control (SESC) plan approval process; however, has not changed and SESC plans will still be processed at your local Soil Conservation District.
W hen completing their RFA – 5G3 application on the NJDEP website, applicants will need to verify that they have obtained a certified Soil Erosion and Sediment Control plan. At the time your Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan is certified by the local Soil Conservation District, the District will provide the owner with the required SCD Certification Code and 251 Identification Code needed to file the RFA – 5G3 permit online.
You are required to file your RFA – 5G3 permit before starting soil disturbing activities on site.
The Stormwater Construction General Permit Program requires construction activities including clearing, grading and excavating that disturb one (1) acre or more to obtain authorization of a Construction Stormwater Permit (5G3-NJ0088323). Additional information is available at ,or contact the NJDEP Bureau of Nonpoint Pollution Control at 609-633-7021 with questions.
*An application for certification of a Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall include the following items:
1. One copy of the complete subdivision, site plan or construction permit application, including key map as submitted to the municipality (architectural drawings and building plans and specifications are not required) which includes the following:
a. Location of present and proposed drains and culverts with their discharge capacities and velocities and supporting computations and identification of conditions below outlets.
b. Delineation of any area subject to flooding from the 100-year storm in compliance with the Flood Plains Act (NJSA 58:16A) or applicable municipal zoning.
c. Delineation of streams, wetlands, pursuant to NJSA 13:9B and other significant natural features within the project area.
d. Soils and other natural resource information used. (Delineation of the project site on soil map is desirable.)
e. Land cover and use of area adjacent to the land disturbance.
f. All hydraulic and hydrologic data, describing existing and proposed watershed conditions and HEC1, HEC2, WSP2, and TR20 and other electronic input files, if used, of existing and proposed conditions and a completed copy of the Hydraulic and Hydrologic Data Base Summary Form, SSCC 251 HDF 1.
2. Five copies of the soil erosion and sediment control plan at the same scale* as the site plan submitted to the municipality or other land use approval agency to include the following (this information shall be detailed on the plat):
a. Proposed sequence of development including duration of each phase in the sequence. b. Site grading plan showing delineation of land areas to be disturbed including proposed cut and fill areas together with existing and proposed profiles of these areas.
c. Contours at two* foot interval, showing present and proposed ground elevations.
d. Locations of all streams and existing and proposed drains and culverts.
e. Stability analysis of areas below all points of stormwater discharge which demonstrates a stable condition will exist, or there will be no degradation of the existing condition.
f. Location and detail of all proposed erosion and sediment control structures including profiles, cross sections, appropriate notes, and supporting computations.
g. Location and detail of all proposed nonstructural methods of soil stabilization including types and rates of lime, fertilizer, seed, and mulch to be applied.
h. Control measures for non-growing season stabilization of exposed areas where the establishment of vegetation is planned as the final control measure.
i. For residential development – control measures to apply to dwelling construction on individual lots and notation that such control measures shall apply to subsequent owners if title is conveyed. This notation shall be shown on the final plat.
j. Plans with a notation for maintenance of permanent soil erosion and sediment control measures and facilities during and after construction, also indicating who shall have responsibility for such maintenance.
3. Appropriate fees: (As shown in the Mercer Co. S.C.D. Fee Schedule)
4. Additional items as may be required.
*Individual districts may require modifications in the above list.