Luke begins his second book to Theophilus by alluding to the first (the gospel of Luke, Lk 1:1-4 ). He briefly reviews what occurred during the forty days between the resurrection and ascension of Christ (cf. Lk 24:1-53 ). Special attention is given to the Promise of the Father regarding the apostles being baptized by the Holy Spirit, who would empower them as witnesses for Christ in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and even to the end of the earth ( 1-8 ).
The ascension of Jesus is then described (cf. also Lk 24:50-51 ), along with the promise of His return by two men in white apparel standing by ( 9-11 ). Obeying the command of the Lord, the apostles return to Jerusalem, where they wait and continue in prayer along with the women, Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers ( 12-14 ).
During this time, Peter addresses the (120) disciples regarding Judas who betrayed Jesus. Both the fall and replacement of Judas were foretold by the Spirit through the mouth of David, so Peter proposes guidelines for nominees to take the place of Judas in the apostolic ministry of being a witness of Jesus' resurrection. Two men are selected for consideration, and following prayer for the Lord to show which of the two He has chosen, lots are cast and Matthias is numbered with the eleven apostles ( 15-26 ).
- The Prologue (1-8)
- The Ascension Of Christ (9-11)
- The Waiting In Jerusalem (12-14)
- The Selection Of Matthias (15-26)
- Gave commandments to the apostles whom He had chosen
- Presented Himself alive by many infallible proofs
- Spoke of things pertaining to the kingdom of God
- Would He at that time restore the kingdom to Israel?
- It was not for them to know the times and seasons which the Father has put in His own authority
- The apostles would receive power
- His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to end of the earth
- An upper room
- With the women, Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers (cf. Mt 13:55; Jn 7:5)
- Fell headlong, burst open in the middle, and entrails gushed out (presumably after he hanged himself)
- The field purchased with money paid to betray Jesus, known as Akel Dama, the Field of Blood
- Had accompanied the apostles all the time the Lord Jesus went in and out among them
- From the baptism of John to the day Jesus ascended to heaven